Located deep in the Mojave Desert, there's an odd megaphone-shaped object at the top of a hill. No one knows what it is, why it's there, or how it even got there in the first place.

This object, also known as the Sentinel Enigma, is oriented from north to south and points towards a different hill containing petroglyphs drawn into its rocks. One of the oddities about the Sentinel Enigma is the fact that it is roughly 8 feet long and weighs around 600 pounds, which confuses people about how it got up there in the first place. It's pretty clear the object has been perched on the hill for a while based on its deteriorated state from all the dust storms and weather systems, but for how long exactly is another question - some believe its age could be anywhere from a few decades to a few centuries.

Due to its mysterious presence, there are a number of stories that have emerged regarding where it came from. The most common story is that it was associated with the chemical weapons tests from the 1940s-1950s to act as a siren for locals living in the area when tests were being conducted. Another story describes it as being a marker for an underground cave system containing a river full of gold. And, naturally, others also believe it was put there by aliens.
Regardless of what you choose to believe, the strange nature of the Sentinel Enigma is truly fascinating. Being located in such a desolate place really adds to the mystery and makes you think about other peculiar things that could be located in the vicinity just waiting to be discovered.
If you want to see it for yourself, make sure you have a trusty off-road vehicle that can handle sections of deeper sand. The coordinates to this object are 35.005612, -116.196422 (thanks to campsitephotos.com).
Swancer, Brent. “The Strange Story of the Sentinel Enigma of the Mojave Desert.” Mysterious Universe, https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2021/09/the-strange-story-of-the-sentinel-enigma-of-the-mojave-desert/.
“The Sentinel Enigma - a Mystery in the Mojave Desert.” Campsite Photos, 15 Dec. 2020, https://www.campsitephotos.com/blog/campground-reviews-adventures/the-sentinel-enigma-a-mystery-in-the-mojave-desert/.
Wow! I never knew there was a megaphone like object in the mojave. It really makes you wonder where it comes from and how many more like that are out there. I’ll definitely be making a spot on my next trip